Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery}

The Historical and Religious Importance of Liska Dating back to the early 19th century, Liska became a cornerstone of Jewish cultural and religious life. Liska has welcomed thousands of pilgrims each year, many seeking to honor the memory of the esteemed Tzvi Hirsh Liska. With over 500 Jewish sites, including notable cemeteries and synagogues, Lisk

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Special moments from one of the holiest places in the world, the town of Liska, where the deep and blessing-filled prayers recited at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l (רבי הערשעלע ליסקער זצ״ל), resonate.

The town of Liska, known as one of the most sacred places in the world, is filled with special moments where the deep prayers at the gravesite of Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l resonate powerfully.Through this prayer, we plead for healing for those who are unwell, financial support for the poor, and peace and wellness for Israel and all of humankind. 

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Liska Shomers

Liska ShomersIn the peaceful silence of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a man engages in heartfelt prayer at the grave of Hershel Lisker, known as Tzvi Hersh Friedman, reflecting his profound spiritual connection. From the depths of sincere devotion, he asks for the miracle of love, hope and healing for the whole community.Bowing with deep respect at the

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Masodik Jelenlet - Jancso 2. filmje Olaszliszka zsido multjarol

Második Jelenlét - Jancsó 2. filmje Olaszliszka zsidó múltjáró1978-ban, tíz évvel korábbi látogatásuk után, Jancsó Miklós és Kende János ismét visszatért a bodrogkeresztúri zsidó temetőbe és az olaszliszkai zsinagógába. Ebben a második filmben Lőwy Tamás és Deutsch László, két fiatal ember, látogat vissza Olaszlisz

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